During our recent trip for a few new books, we picked up the latest schedule of kids events at Brick Library. I went online and was easily able to register for an upcoming FABULOUS FROGS event for ages 2-5. We've never attended a formal library event and were looking forward to it!
Upon arrival, we were instructed to check-in with the Children's Librarian in the kids section. My son received a little name tag and we perused the books while waiting for the event to start. Once the majority of families checked in, the librarian announced that it was time to start and we all followed into the events classroom. There were colored seating pads on the floor for the kids and a row of chairs behind them for the parents. My buddy and I took a seat among the 4-5 other families that were also there.
It surprised me that there weren't more people there. Who DOESN'T want FREE adventures with their toddler? Most of these events, however, are during the week so it is a challenge for working parents to break away for them. I was up early and completed a lot of my to-do list for that day and didn't feel at all guilty for popping out with my little guy.
The librarian read two great stories about frogs that the kids all enjoyed. They listened and reacted appropriately to the different story elements and I appreciated how the librarian read with expression and a touch of goofiness. I sort of expected there to be some sort of an animal handler there with real frogs and was a smidge disappointed that we weren't also learning about the animal, but the stories were super cute and enjoyable.
After story-time, the library had craft tables set-up for the kids. We created a frog on a lily pad with pre-made cut-outs, pipe-cleaners, crayons and tape. It was a simple craft and only took a few minutes but it came out really cute. The frog looked like it was bouncing on the lily pad. I appreciated that someone took the time to research a craft that would suit ages 2-5 (a big difference in abilities) and prepped all the elements to make it an easy peasy crafting session.
In a blink of an eye, we were done! These events are quick and breezy. A nice way to pop out of the house for a moment for a change in scenery and some socialization. I'm trying to get my shy guy more chances to interact with his peers so this event was a perfect little opportunity to do that. With some book selections before we left, we were in and out in about 45 minutes.
Please note, that different branches may run children's events differently. I suggest you pop by your library for a schedule or look up events online. Make sure you take the time to register for anything you plan to attend since spaces are limited and if the library is prepping materials they need to know how much to make!
We enjoyed our sweet little frog event and will be back for another later this month! Libraries are the secret little gems of our communities! I am so happy that they exist and hope that you attend a local event and support yours too!