My little man is a big fan of animals-- like most kids his age. Having heard lots of positive things from family about the Camden Aquarium, I quickly put it on the list of places to go. We had a really positive experience taking him when he was younger to the much smaller Jenksinon's Aquarium in Point Pleasant Beach so we were pretty confident it was going to be a hit.
We set-out with family members to go on a sultry summer weekday. Beat the heat and see the fishes! Well--That turned out to not be ideal. We thought we were avoiding huge summer crowds-- but instead got thrown into the mix of many rowdy campers out on a trip. For the future, I think we'd save this visit for a weekday during the school year or later in the day.
Now that being said, we LOVED our experience. We arrived around lunchtime and had an al fresco lunch (which we packed) on the outdoor picnic deck. Several family members (we came in a big group) enjoyed the beers from the Flying Fish brewery on the side of the deck which made the whole trip more fun for the adults. We packed sandwiches to save some extra money but the Aquarium has a huge food court with lots of options so don't feel like you need to do that if you'd rather order something there. Flying Fish also had big delicious hot pretzles which we happily shared among us.
The exhibits at this aquarium are awesome but the stand-outs for me: the shark tunnel and the hippos! Walking through a tunnel while sharks swim around you is pretty darn awesome no matter what your age! And we watched the hippos get fed--pretty amazing to see those animals moving around in their huge aquarium habitat.
We'll definitely keep this destination on the list of things to do with Bubs. He was captivated the entire time and the excitement tuckered him out enough to sleep the whole way home. I definite must-do for your family!