Barnacle Bill's has been a Jersey Shore staple since I was a kid. I remember visiting for a round of mini golf and an ice cream cone with my siblings many years ago. There is something so special about watching your own child experience something YOU enjoyed as a child! One of those delicious full circle moments!
I wasn't sure if my son was old enough to enjoy mini golf, but I really wanted to give it a try. I figured we would go on a weekday afternoon to ensure that we would skip the crowds and be able to take our time. We ended up heading out to play on a day that was a bit cloudy with a threat of rain. I figured if it rained we could just go to the arcade so we could have fun either way.
When we arrived, there was no line and hardly anyone on the course. They had mini putters perfect for my little guy and we both picked a ball from the colorful options. At this time, a grandfather and his granddaughter arrived behind us so we let them go before us which was the right move. I wasn't sure how long we would take on each hole and was confident they would move much faster than us.
Barnacle Bill's has been redone since the days I used to go as a kid. I loved the misting stations all through the course keeping you cool on a hot day as you play. The indoor arcade and ice cream parlor were also redone and looking great-- really clean and nicely maintained. The biggest thing I noticed, though, was the staff. Lots of young kids working in the different areas of the business but every single one of them were super attentive, sweet to my toddler, and excellent at customer service. I made sure to tell the manager that their team rocks. I know it can seem really hard to find great workers these days. Whatever this team was doing to cultivate a great staff, they were doing it right!
Now... did we play a game of mini golf by the rules? Nope. We did a combination of hitting the ball, rolling the ball and for a hole or two, even dropped it right in by hand. When mini golfing with a toddler, you can't have any expectations that you will be playing a traditional game of mini golf. Make sure that anyone who golfs with you "gets" that-- I know some older siblings can be "justice warriors" in these situations, but we were golfing just the two of us and I was happy to adapt to whatever style of playing he found fun.
We had a great time golfing the different set-ups and my toddler got the hang of it more with each hole. I was worried at the end he would cry that we were done but he was perfectly happy to check out the games in the arcade. We won a bunch of rubber duckies in a "play until you win" crane game and had a blast playing the minion game before heading over to have an ice cream before heading home. It was an ideal summer afternoon for any kid--- or kid at heart!
If you can this summer, check out this historical gem in Ortley Beach. It's a great place to let your inner kid out and enjoy those summer vibes the Jersey Shore is popular for!