Wall Stadium wasn’t on my radar for a toddler trip at all until it came up in conversation. Ads for Monster Truck shows were coming up on my facebook and I mentioned them to my Dad thinking it would be fun for my truck obsessed toddler. My Dad suggested bringing Jacob to see local car races first before splurging on the truck events which are significantly more expensive. He told me he thought Wall Stadium still had events so I immediately popped over to their website.
My first impression was– WOW, great prices! Only $12 for me the night we went (although some nights the price is a bit higher at $19), and under age 6 gets to come for FREE. Definitely in this mama’s budget.
We attended a recent family night on a beautiful Saturday evening. We arrived a little before 7p, even though events started much earlier (at 4pm). My little guy takes occasional late afternoon naps and that impacted our schedule quite a bit but it didn’t matter! We still got to see lots of racing!
There’s bench seating along the whole one side of the course. There’s also several food stands, a mini arcade area and a merch gazebo. I think there were other set-ups for family night that we missed due to our late arrival. We’ll try to come earlier next time to check it out!
Before attending, I did purchase ear protection for my little one because I was warned that the races are LOUD. After we arrived, I bought a second pair (only $12) so we both had one. Many adults used ear plugs (which were complimentary) but the little kids all had the ear protection muffs on. My little guy understood that in order to stay for the races, he needed to wear them when the cars were racing and kept them on every time he needed to. The races ARE really loud and it actually IS more comfortable to have some sort of ear protection. I think seeing all the other kids wearing them definitely helped him use them but we did practice wearing them at home before heading over to the races. I wanted to be SURE that our fun night wasn’t going to hurt his ears and that he would be comfortable in them. My little dude is 3 now and could understand that it was an important rule in order to enjoy our adventure. You know your child well and you can determine if they would keep them on. It was great that so many little ones that we saw there didn’t seem to mind them at all.
In between races, we got ice cream (only $5 for a HUGE serving that we both shared) and walked around a bit. He loved picking out which color car he thought would be the winner! We ate before coming but there were food options for anyone looking to have dinner. I also saw people with coolers so it looks like you can bring in your own dinner as well– if you eat on the healthier side this will probably be best for you. Otherwise you’ll be tempted with a porkroll and cheese, burgers and cheese fries!
Most importantly– we LOVED watching the races together! It was really exhilarating to watch the cars buzz around the track. We both enjoyed this new experience! We stayed until around 9pm. My little guy was tired so we headed out without seeing the rest of them, but it was still a wonderful night! The only thing I wish we didn’t miss was the demolition derby– we’ll need to catch that next time!
If I had something that I could change about our experience– it would only be that they had better merchandise for his age! We bought a few mystery matchbox cars but I would have loved to have grabbed him a hat, t-shirt or something else that felt more like a souvenir of our night at the races. There were cute little racing flags but I was worried it would feel more like a weapon in the hands of a toddler-haha. Maybe later in the summer they will have more options for the littles that can help us celebrate this local business. We love wearing the local brands!
Overall– this was a HUGE unexpected win for us! Wall Stadium is affordable family fun, easy to get to and a unique experience for a summer night. If your little will wear the ear muffs, I think you should give it a try. For their summer schedule, visit wallstadiumspeedway.com