When I was a teenager, growing up on the shore, I had many a late night conversation on swings by the water--my go to spot being on the Manasquan Beach. Waterside anything holds extra magic for me. I love looking at big bodies of water. So maybe that's why this is one of my most favorite destinations for an early evening/late afternoon park visit!
Lavallette, NJ is a sweet family beach town with lots of little gems. My family has been summering in the town since my Dad was little. It holds a bit of special family magic for me and all of my cousins. As a kid myself, my mom took us to the bay beach almost every nice day in the summer when we were very little-- so this particular location has a starring role in lots of childhood memories.
Along the bay, Lavallette has two great little beaches that even have PLAYGROUNDS! Spring, summer or Fall-- I think the best time to go is just before sunset. My little dude loves running across the sand and around that time, the beach isn't usually very busy. During the summer, the lifeguards are gone at that time and you don't need a badge to play there. During the Spring and Fall-- it's just open!
My buddy LOVES swings and I'm content to push him on the swing for FOREVER while I watch epic sunsets over the bay. The playground is small and not as spectacular as the big playgrounds in the local parks in Brick-- but the sand and the view give it the huge boost it needs to be a fave. I also enjoy strolling the nearby crabbing docks-- on a summer evening it's fun to see what the older kids in town have caught!
One time, my parents joined us on our park visit and we brought a picnic dinner-- sweetest simplest evening ever! We all loved it-- but no surprise-- because there's just a bit more magic in everything waterside! Aside from the colder months where it would likely be windy and freezing-- 10 out of 10 would reccommend!