Bubs and I love a good morning walk, but sometimes we get bored looking at all the same places in our neighborhood. On this day, we hopped into the car and headed the next county over (Monmouth County) to walk a pretty path that is popular with locals-- The Manasquan Bike Path-- formally known as The Edgar Felix Bikeway. A great new place for my toddler to roam!
I love this path--- first, it's paved! Makes stroller pushing nice and easy! Second-- it's really pretty. On a fall day, with leaves turning on either side, you feel like you could be walking in a sweet little New England town and not on the Jersey Shore!
We park in the lot across the street and with our beloved Elmo in tow, started walking down the path on a crisp fall day. My 1 year old isn't into the stroller these days but he was more than happy to "alk" (walk) as he puts it! Now walking with a 1 year old, you don't go very far or fast, but we enjoyed the first stretch of the path. We listened to birds, pointed out where the squirrels were rustling in the bushes and said hello to people as they passed. Yes, it's supposed to be a bike path, but plenty of people walk it and it wasn't so busy that we kept getting in the way. The path is plenty big enough to let groups and bikes get around one another. My son and I (and Elmo!) were happily greeted by those moving faster than us or coming from the opposite direction.
Just a short distance into the path, the trees open up on the left revealing a big beautiful park. Once my boy saw the slide, I realized that our time walking the path was probably over. We used to be only interested in swings, but now that he's braver-- we are focused on slides! After carefully going down together for a few times, little man was ready to slide by himself (holding Mommy's hand of course). Lucky Elmo even got a few turns down the slide!
After playing at the park a bit, I decided to head back down the path and back to the car. After a bit more walking, my tired kiddo tripped and then wanted Mommy to carry him back to the car. Luckily, we weren't that far from the lot so I could do it without huffing and puffing. Carrying him for long stretches always reminds me that I should start working out again!
With a smaller baby in a stroller, I would have went much further. The path is actually 5.4 miles and goes all the way to Allaire State Park. From walking the path in my teenage years, I remember that all the way down, there is a cute little cozy restaurant off the path but I wonder if it is still open post-Covid. Maybe once my partner in crime starts riding a bike we will try for the full length and see if it is still there.
Sometimes, it's nice to do something completely different from the routine. This walk was welcomed and enjoyed by both of us-- and you can't beat free and fun Mommy and Me activities this day and age! We'll be back to visit this park and trail in the Spring!